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Monday, 6 February 2017

Some Myths About Electric Wires | Electric Cable Manufacturer in Delhi

Hello readers, I hope you all have read my last blog that was why copper is being used in making wires. We discussed very important features of copper wire, which makes it the best choice of metal for making wires and cables. I told you about JMW, the most trusted brand of multi core wire manufacturer. They provide all the reliable quality wires for your home and work places at the affordable prices.

Let’s move further and discuss some more relevant topics related to electricity and especially cable wires. Without knowing the proper information about anything, sometimes we make our own stories that prove myths about that topic.

Same goes with electricity; we have made so many myths about its installation and everything that are needed to be clear.
Some common myths regarding electricity and their actual facts are like this:

•    MYTH- Electricity current depends on the thickness of the wires only high voltage
TRUTH- this is a very common myth among people regarding thickness of wire. Whether the wire is thick or thin, same amount of current will flow from it. Only the speed of the current will be effected not the amount.

•    MYTH -Only high voltage wire can injure you
TRUTH- on contrary to this myth, it is electric current which is more dangerous for you rather than high voltage. From 100 to 200 amps current passes through the electric wire of your electric appliance that can cause serious problems and even death.

•    MYTH- power lines are insulated
TRUTH- no line is safe to touch, when you come closer to it. It is the most dangerous myth of electricity. It may be having waterproofing quality but it won’t stop the flow of current from the lines.

•    MYTH- wood is not a conductor of electricity
TRUTH- though wood is a poor conductor of electricity but it doesn’t mean that it won’t pass on the current. It is dangerous if the wood is wet and cannot help you to avoid accident as it becomes conductor in same conditions.

Best cable wires manufacturers 


After clearing all the myths about electricity functioning and especially wires. This point is very much clear to all of us that cable wires perform such an important work in electricity functioning, if we choose wrong wires for generating and distributing electricity, it could prove extremely dangerous. JMW is the synonym of quality in the sector of single core wire manufacturer and all the other types of wires. They are well known face among their customers for outstanding services.

Unknown / Author & Editor

JMW Company is one of the best Cable Wire Manufacturers in Delhi, .


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